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it’s beautiful, once again.

May 18, 2009

I was writing about something completely different and stupid when it occured to me that I should turn the TV off since there was no one watching.

I reached the remote. I decided to check some other shows out. And I saw Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone.

I remember the first time that I’ve seen the movie. I was just so enthralled by everything. I remember watching it several times that I know all the lines, memorize the scenes. Yes, even now, as I write this post / watch HP 1, I can still recite them.

Then, I read the books and my perception of the movies were never the sam again. Sure I continue to watch them but I never had that zeal as compared to reading the books.

But now, seeing the first installment in TV, and knowing that they are now filming the first half of the 7th…i can’t just help but be once again be amazed at the world of magic they have created. Sure I now saw through the CGs and stuff, but yeah.

I find myself holding back tears as Ron and Hermione went with Harry through that trapped door, as I know that in the years to come, there will be things worse than fluffy, worse than those flying keys, than those chess pieces.

Suddenly, I became that child who’s at awe with their accent, their spells, their schools. I can remember how it looked to me before. And everything is beautiful, once again.

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